Aim for the head of your opponents as headshots do extra damage. Some powerful weapons, such as the SPAS 12, kill an enemy instantly with one headshot.
Use explosive weapons, such as fragmentation grenades or the TPC Launcher. Explosive weapons injure all enemies close to the explosion, allowing you to kill two or three enemies at once with each explosion.
Find the opposing player's spawn points. A spawn point is the location at which a defeated enemy reenters the game. This location is different on each map. Once this location is found, you can kill the enemy as soon as they reenter the game and before they have a chance to get reoriented.
Target stationary enemies first. An enemy who is not moving allows you to aim for the head and use your most powerful weapon, generally resulting in a kill.
Target enemies who are in combat with other opponents. After a battle with each other, your enemies often have severely decreased health and ammunition, allowing you to kill them with minimal effort.
Work in conjunction with your team in team-based multiplayer modes, such as Team Reaper. By pairing up with other players and moving as a group, you can easily eliminate players who are alone on the battlefield as the larger your group is, the more potential firepower you have.