Insert the SD card that contains the Wii saves into the SD card slot on a Wii controller. If your save is stored on an external hard drive, connect the drive to your Wii's USB port. Start the Wii.
Launch the Homebrew Channel. Select the SaveGame Manager GX application from the Homebrew Channel, and then select the "Install" option from the dialog box that appears. The SaveGame Manager GX app will take a few moments to install, before launching.
Select the "Browse SD" option from SaveGame Manager GX to search your memory card for the save you'd like to install. Select the "Browse USB" option to search an external hard drive for the save.
Use SaveGame Manager's file explorer tree to browse your storage medium's folders for the save game file. Select the save file, and then select the "Install" option from the dialog box that appears. Your saved game will now be active and accessible from its associated game.