Remove any rubber grips or sleeves that you may have on your Wii Remote. These sleeves prevent the Wii Remote from fitting properly in the charging station and cover up the contact for the battery pack.
Check to make sure your charging station is properly connected to an electrical source. If your charging station is connected to an extension cord or power strip, move the charging station to a new socket or plug it directly into the wall.
Move the Wii Remote safety strap to the side before placing the Wii Remote into the charging station. Otherwise, the safety strap may prevent the battery pack from making contact with the charger.
Adjust the position of the Wii Remote in the charging station to ensure that the battery pack is making contact with the charging station. Move the remote around until the light on the front of the charging station lights up. Remove any dust or debris from the charging station and the Wii Remote itself using a soft cloth to ensure connection.
Remove the battery pack and ensure that it is in the right position inside the Wii Remote: the positive and negative symbols on the battery pack should line up with the diagram on the back of your Wii Remote. if one Wii Remote will charge but the other will not, switch the battery packs to find out if it is a problem with the battery or the remote itself.
Contact the manufacturer for a replacement battery pack or charging station if you are unable to get the dual Wii Remote charging station to work properly.