Talk to Tortimer, the mayor, on October 12 to get the Sailboat model. October 12 is Columbus Day, but it is called Explorer Day in your town.
Visit Tortimer on Groundhog Day to receive the Groundhog model.
Check your mailbox on May 19. Nintendo sends you a package to celebrate Teacher's Day; enclosed is the School Bus model.
Live in your town for exactly one year. After one year, Tortimer sends you a letter in the mail and gives you the Town Hall model.
Collect every bug, fish, painting and fossil in your town, and donate them to Blathers at the museum to receive the Museum model.
Buy items at Nook's store to acquire points. After earning 300 points Nook mails you the Nook's Cranny model. After earning 5,000 points you get the Nook n' Go model sent to you. After earning 10,000 points you receive the Nookway model; after 20,000 points you receive the Nookington's model.
Decorate your house and keep it clean. The Happy Room Academy stops by weekly to check out your house and give it a score. Earn 70,000 total points to get the House model in the mail; after earning 100,000 points in this manner, you get the Wide-House model; and after earning 150,000 points you get the Two-Story model.