Move your cursor over the purple vial and press the "A" button to select the vial. To select the different vials and place the different colored atoms, you must always navigate your cursor to the correct location and press the "A" button.
Place one purple atom to the right of each of the two right-most pink atoms. Place one purple atom to the left of each of the two left-most pink atoms. The top and bottom rows of atoms, from left to right, should be purple, pink, pink and purple.
Select the green vial.
Place one green atom to the right of each of the two right-most purple atoms. Place one green atom to the left of each of the two left-most purple atoms. The top and bottom row of atoms, from left to right, should be green, purple, pink, pink, purple and green.
Place one green atom above each of the two top-most pink atoms. Place one green atom below each of the two bottom-most pink atoms.
Select the blue vial.
Place two of the blue atoms next to one another but not touching any other atoms. Place the final two blue atoms next to one another but not touching any other atoms. With the blue atoms in place, the puzzle is finished.