Locate the entry projector you used to enter the Throne Room after completing the Sleeping Beauty side-scrolling game section and look above it. The projector is located on the first floor of the Throne Room in front of the double-doors against the back wall. The room's only pin is floating above the projector. The pin is easy to see, as it is in the shape of the "Disney Epic Mickey" logo.
Press the "+" button until the TV sketch is selected. Aim your onscreen pointer at the ground directly in front of the projector and press the "-" button to place a TV there.
Press the "A" button to jump on top of the TV. Press the "A" button while on top of the TV and press the "A" button a second time at the peak of your jump to double-jump off of the top of the TV and grab the pin floating above the projector. You will be notified by an onscreen prompt that reads "New Item Received Gold Pin" after grabbing the pin.