Ignore the neighbor who you would like to move away. Do not talk to the neighbor when you see him walking around the town or send him any letters. In the "Animal Crossing" games, even negative attention counts as successful interaction, so ignoring a neighbor is best.
Decline all of your neighbor's requests. In some cases, the neighbor will approach you and immediately begin talking, even when you did not initiate contact. This usually happens when the neighbor needs an immediate favor or wants to play a game. Always decline these requests when possible.
Open your pockets and place items on the ground throughout the town. It does not matter what the items are; the game will register any item on the ground as trash, which lowers your town rating. The lower your town rating, the less satisfied your neighbors will be and the more likely they will move away.
Travel to your friend's "Animal Crossing" town. When you travel to a different game, neighbors in your town will frequently move to the town that you visit. To travel to a friend's town on the GameCube version of the game, you must connect the memory card with your friend's town into the second memory card slot of your system. In the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS versions of the game, you need a wi-fi Internet connection to travel to your friend's town.
Set the internal clock of your game system ahead by several weeks. The "Animal Crossing" games are set in real time according to your system's internal clock. Setting the clock ahead causes weeds to cover the town, which makes neighbors upset, causing them to move away. In addition, since you have not talked to your neighbors for several weeks, they will feel ignored and move away for that reason as well.