Stand on the gray button at the entrance to the room to talk to the pipe organ. Tap the "A" button to start a musical mini-game.
Watch the organ's keyboard. Yellow notes pop up over each key that you need to press. When a note appears, hop to the corresponding key. After you hit all the correct keys, the organ opens a path through the room for you.
Go to the back of the organ. Jump up on the green pipes to reach the balcony overhead. Turn to the left to fight a Spinner. Spray it with thinner, then use a spin attack when it flips over.
Jump over the next two gaps to get to another balcony. Kill another Spinner. Face the curtains and spray them with thinner. A cage holding Gremlin Ferdinand appears. Smash it to rescue him.
Go back to the green pipes you used to climb to the balcony. Use an anvil or TV sketch on the highest pipe to make a new platform. Jump on top of the anvil or TV you created.
Double-jump to the ledge in front of you. Break the cage to rescue Gremlin Stuffus, the final gremlin in the room.