Advance to the right. There are two main paths, one down below and one up above. By going up, you must jump Mickey from treetop to treetop to get to the end of the level. The high route offers e-tickets and health pickups. The low route is easier, but offers no rewards.
Dodge the coconuts as they drop from the trees. The coconuts fall in an alternating pattern, which makes them easier to avoid. The low route offers protection from falling coconuts.
Climb the downed log. It starts at the jungle floor and makes a ramp up onto a tree stump. Fall down the stump and double back to the left to get into the small area underneath the downed log.
Collect the film reel. It is between the two plants.
Head to the right again, jumping into and then out of the tree stump. The projection screen is on the right of the stump, signaling the end of the level.