Choose the "Wii Bowling" training mode from the main menu. Choose the "Power Bowl" min-game to begin.
Bowl through each round until the 10th and final frame, where 91 pins are assembled.
Move your character as far right as possible by pressing the directional buttons on the Wiimote. Change the angle of your bowl to go to the right by pressing the "Up" directional button, then the "Right" directional button.
Throw the ball as straight and as hard as possible. To do this, hold the Wiimote as flat as you can in your hand, and center yourself to line up with the middle of the Wii sensor bar on your television. Press and hold the "B" button, then make a throwing motion as straight as you can while releasing the "B" button at the apex of your throw.
Watch your bowling ball travel along the railing of the lane, ultimately hitting the side, making a large dropping noise and knocking down all 91 pins.