Play through the Rocket Reef area until you get to Vic's Training Grounds. Speak with Vic, speak with Lyndsay, then speak to Vic again and he will let you build things in the shop.
Follow Vic's instructions for building things using the parts around the shop. Place a gearbox on the gear turning near the Rocket Centrifuge -- the machine in front of Vic's treadmill.
Place a medium axle on the gearbox so it is pointing toward Vic's treadmill, then place another gearbox on the end of that axle.
Put a gearbox on the axle in front of the Rocket Centrifuge, then place another one on top of it. Install a series of axles to connect the top gearbox to the second one you placed at the gear near Vic's treadmill. Once the contraption is completed, the Rocket Centrifuge will be operational.
Speak with Vic and he will let you ride the Rocket Centrifuge. Aim your cursor at the ride and click "Ride" to get in it.