Shoot the front part of the tentacles as they move along the sides of the train, forcing them to retract into Birkin's body.
Press the button combination displayed on screen to dodge the pieces of debris he throws at you. This button combination will vary.
Shoot his claws as they rise to stop him from attacking you. Shoot his mouth as it stretches from his body to stop him from biting you. If he vomits a body, shoot the body until it collapses as to prevent it from attacking you.
Shoot the large eyeball on Birkin's shoulder when it opens to drain his health bar, which is located at the top of the screen. If he grabs your partner, shooting the same eyeball will cause Birkin to drop your partner.
Shoot the couplers holding the train together once Birkin's health bar is empty. The characters will notice the couplers, which are two large hooks attached to two large metal rods.
Continue to shoot Birkin, as he will continue to attack you using the same attacks as before. Shoot his tentacles if he places them over the coupler to move them. Once the couplers are broken, Birkin will fall to his death.
Use any healing items, such as green herbs, if your health is low.