Play "Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution III" in "Story Mode." This mode takes you through part of the early storyline of the "Naruto: Shippuden" anime series, including the story arc wherein Gaara is rescued.
Set the difficulty at Level 2 when prompted to do so. You may also choose to place the difficulty at a higher level, as long as you set it at 2 or more. The screen for adjusting this setting appears just after you select "Story Mode" from the "Mode Select" screen. Follow the instructions on this screen to adjust the difficulty level.
Complete "Story Mode" using these settings to unlock Mission Mode in the Shop. Once you complete "Story Mode," go to the "Extras" submenu in the game's main menu. Enter the Shop and purchase the Mission List for 20,000 ryo to play through the game's Mission Mode.