The Map Cheat
The in-game map can be viewed within the orange doors that act as save points throughout the level. This map is limited. The details fill in as you make progress, and only after a full lap around the maze will the location of certain bosses be revealed. Players can cheat their way past these limitations and skip much aimless wandering by studying a map online ahead of time for the location of all 37 boss fights and teleportation portals.
Save Points Save Lives
You might think of skipping one of the brawl symbols that save your progress if you had already saved the game a few minutes before. A useful trick to know is that, by standing on that symbol and checking a menu, you will bring your damage to 0 and restore the lives of your teammates. When you've taken a lot of hits, backtracking to your last save point might be the best option for your depleted team.
Collect Stickers
Stickers can be used as power-ups, giving your characters a statistical advantage in the Great Maze level of Subspace Emissary. You can find stickers throughout "Super Smash Brothers Brawl." Collect stickers in "Spectator Mode" over Wi-Fi, in "Coin Launcher" mode and from lesser enemies in "Subspace Emissary." Apply these stickers to your character's trophies in the "Subspace Emissary" pause menu.
More Tips
Two brawlers are better than one, but be careful in Co-Op mode to ensure that "Player One" is the more experienced player. If "Player Two" loses his life, "Player One" can continue the game, but the opposite is not the case. The difficulty level of the game can be changed at any time. If you started on a hard or medium setting, you can pause the game and change it to easy for the "Great Maze."