Wait for Hot Wings to spit small enemies at you. Grab one of the enemies by pressing the "1" button.
Press "1" to throw the enemy at Hot Wings, stunning her. Run over to Hot Wings, then press "1" to pick her up and throw her at the wall. This damages Hot Wings. Collect the beads that she drops, if desired.
Jump onto any ledge as soon as Hot Wings dives beneath the lava. When she comes to the surface, waves of lava shoot up, and you take damage if you aren't standing on a ledge.
Throw another enemy at Hot Wings, and throw her across the screen. After this, she begins to spit fireballs at you. Dodge each wave of fireballs. Hot Wings also begins to dash across the screen. Jump over her to avoid being hit.
Throw a final enemy at Hot Wings, and throw her at the wall one more time. This third blow knocks Hot Wings out, and the level is cleared.