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How to Activate the Personal Trainer for the Wii

Nintendo Wii's "My Personal Trainer" is a golfing game that helps players improve technique and judgment. It uses the Wii Balance Board and Wii MotionPlus Controller, and provides users with personalized strategies. Once you complete the initial practice swings, you can activate and unlock an 18-hole course and driving range.

Things You'll Need

  • Wii Balance Board
  • Wii MotionPlus Controller
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      Insert the "My Personal Trainer" game disc into the Nintendo Wii system and press the power on button. When pressed, this button will turn green and activate the title screen and start menu.

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      Start a new game and you will be welcomed by an avatar of golf instructor David Leadbetter. When he asks you to take a practice swing, step on Balance Board and center your weight. Holding the Wii Remote with both hands (simulating holding a real golf club), press the A and B buttons using your right hand and the 1 and 2 buttons with your left hand.

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      "Swing" the Wii Remote, making sure your grip is secure. Leadbetter will then offer you additional drills and training opportunities. After you are comfortable with your swings, head to the driving range or play 18 holes.

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