Make celebrity Miis. If you want to make a Mii celebrity to play with or against in various Nintendo Wii games, you can do so by visiting of many websites that offer detailed creation instructions for celebrities. Websites such as Mii and Famous showcase famous people, with instructions on how to make each one as a Mii.
Create a music star or an old school biker. You need to go beyond the normal smile and basic hairstyle Miis, and creating a Mii that emanates "coolness" is the best way to do that. For example, to create a music star, you could make a rock star who has long, wavy hair, large sunglasses and stone cold look that is neither smiling nor frowning. For a biker you could create a Mii with a handlebar mustache, creased eyebrows, large head and nose and an angry-looking mouth.
Create a wacky Mii. Sometimes "Cool" doesn't always follow the rigid definition and instead applies to something that's completely different from the norm -- in this case, a Mii that appears goofy looking. For example, you could create a Mii who has a large nose, small head, big eyebrows and eyes that are barely spaced apart.