Unplug the Nunchuk from the bottom of the Wii Remote and pull the cord through the slot at the base of the barrel. Slide the Nunchuk out of the butt of the Zapper to disconnect it.
Depress the release switch at the base of the Wii Remote to release the controller from the Zapper. Lift the Wii Remote out of the Zapper to disconnect it from the gun.
Slide the Wii Remote into the Top Shot, front first, and push it into place so the Remote is flush with the gun barrel.
Slide the Nunchuk into the space at the back of the Top Shot butt, and feed the cord through the hole at the base. Wind the cord around the notch at the front of the trigger bay, leaving about two inches of excess.
Push the plug of the Nunchuk cord into the slot at the base of the Wii Remote until it clicks into place, in order to complete the setup.