Use the D-pad in "Style Movement" mode, by pressing "Left" to switch the enemy you are targeting in multiplayer. Pressing "Left" also resets the characters in training mode. Pressing "Down" or "Right" lets you perform your special jutsu move. In "Style Button" mode, the D-pad functions in much the same way, although pressing "Down" makes your character perform his weak attack, and pressing "Right" unleashes your special jutsu. This is the only difference between the two modes.
Use the control stick on the Nunchuk, in either mode, to move your character. In both modes, the "A" button performs a strong attack, and "C" is used to throw objects and characters.
Press the "-" and "+" buttons together to pause the game in both modes. Pressing "B" or "Z" in either mode lets you perform substitution jutsu, and also allows you to sidestep attacks. In both modes, moving the Wii Remote around lets you do a weak attack, or power up your special jutsu move. Moving the Nunchuk also lets you power up the special jutsu, and may be used to deflect projectiles.