In "Mario Kart Wii," Mario and his friends and foes get together to prove their racing prowess. Players choose between an array of characters, then select a vehicle and a race track. As you play through the game, you may unlock rewards, such as more tracks and vehicles. One unlockable vehicle is the Royal Racer, a medium-class kart that has superior handling, but weak drifting ability. The Royal Racer kart can be unlocked by playing through the game and beating the 150cc Leaf Cup.
Play through and win at least third place in the Shell and Banana Cups. This unlocks the Leaf Cup.
Go to the Cup selection screen. Choose "Leaf Cup" and "150cc."
Come in first in the Leaf Cup's tracks: DS Desert Hills, N64 DK's Jungle Parkway, GBA Bowser Castle 3 and GCN Mario Circuit. Upon completing the 150cc Leaf Cup, the Royal Racer kart is unlocked.