Create a design for your custom Wii case mod. You can draw your own images, create them using a computer art program or alter photos using an image editor. You will need images for the front, back and both sides.
Scan any hand-drawn images and save the file to a computer with Internet access. If you made your own computer-created images or altered images with a photo editor, they should already be saved on your computer.
Visit "" Click the "Cusomize It" button on the right hand side of the screen. From this page you can customize your Wii. Click "Add Text" button to add text to your custom Wii skin. Choose to search through LeftSkins clip art files by clicking the "Add Clipart" button or add your own images by clicking "Upload Image."
Customize the front, back and sides of your Wii with using LeftSkins interface. When you are happy with your customized Wii case skin, click the "Add To Cart" button on the lower-left side of the screen. Pay for your purchase and then apply your custom Wii case mod decals when they arrive.