Turn on your Wii and select the "Wii" button in the lower-left corner. You will need to set up your Internet connection if you haven't used it. To do so, choose the "Wii Settings" button, then scroll right and press the "Internet" button.
Select "Connection 1" to specify your connection settings. Choose "Wireless Connection" and provide your router or Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector information, or select "Wired Connection" if using Ethernet cable with the Nintendo LAN adapter.
Exit to the main screen using the "Home" button on the Wii Remote. Click on the "Wii Shop Channel" image, and then the "Start" button. The Wii will now connect to the Internet and load the shop interface.
Start the Wii Shop Channel after it has finished loading by pressing the "Start Shopping" button. Click on the "Wii Channels" button.
Scroll through the list of free channels and select any of them for more information. To download one, select the "Download" button, then choose the "Wii Console Memory" button to save it to the built-in drive. You can also select "SD Card" if you have one and want the channel saved there instead. It will ask you to confirm the selection; do so by choosing "OK" and "Yes." The channel will download.
Quit the Wii Shop Channel when done downloading by pressing the "Home" button on your Wii Remote. Your new channel will now appear on the main screen of your Wii.