Sawing mini-games center on activities where players need to cut down trees or cut pieces off logs to win. Gameplay includes moving the Wii remote back and forth rapidly, while pushing the "B" button to gain speed. Sawing mini-games include Hot Saw and Solo Cross, where the first player to cut three sections off a log wins.
Ax Throw
Ax throw games include activities like timed ax throws, where players try to throw as many axes as accurately as possible in a specific amount of time. To play, gamers aim at target and press the "A" button to fire. Other Ax throw games have players racing to hit a certain pre-set score first.
Climb and Balance
For climbing games, players must shake the Wii Remote to make the Miis climb while hitting direction buttons on the D-pad to dodge falling objects. There are a handful of climbing games, some of which require players to saw wood as well as climb. The balance games, like the log roll, use the balance board to have players compete to stay atop their rolling log the longest.