The Nunchuk moves your character as you traverse the war zones of Europe. The analog stick moves the player, while the "B" button makes the player stand up and the "Z" button makes the player squat or duck for cover. Quick reaction with the thumb stick/"Z" button combination can save your life repeatedly during game play.
The Nuchuk has two functions when dealing with explosives. The first is that you can go through the options menu to activate grenade-throwing with the Nunchuk. Throwing grenades requires you to move the Nunchuk in a "lob" pattern, mimicking throwing a grenade. The second explosive-linked function of the Nunchuk involves planting explosive mines. The Nunchuk must be moved in precise patterns that are randomly generated by the game while you're playing. A false move will cause the sequence to start over.
The Nunchuk has two uses when dealing with vehicles. When you're driving an automobile, the Nunchuk and Wiimote must be placed next to each other to simulate a steering wheel and then used as such. When you're rowing a boat, the Nunchuk will be used as one of your oars, and you must make a rowing motion with it.
At a few key points in the game, notably a fight sequence that occurs in the first level, you must fight hand-to-hand using the Nunchuk as your left hand and the Wiimote as your right. You must push attackers off and then deliver a few blows to finish them off.