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Wall-E Wii Hints

"Wall-E" for the Nintendo Wii follows characters such as Eve and M-O from the high-grossing Pixar movie as the robots make their way through a number of levels and challenges. You will need to collect cubes and items to progress through the title but you can use come cheat codes to easily unlock game features and assists.
  1. Be the Box

    • Wall-E is able to transform into box form to blend in with his surroundings. Enemies cannot spot him when he's in this shape so use this trick to avoid some confrontations.

    Get Red Crates

    • If you want to reach a distant red crate, try switching to the first-person view and using the laser. These crates are valuable because they often contain health or laser charges.

    Find Explosive Cubes

    • These cubes are hard to find, but powerful. Available at dispensers dispersed throughout the game, these cubes will blow up already dented doors. You can also use them to easily defeat enemies. The explosive cube has a large blast radius so it can take out many foes at once.

    Use Cheat Codes

    • You can enter cheats at the password screen accessed through the main menu. The codes are a sequence of the robots found in the game. Enter Wall-E, M-O, Auto, M-O to obtain infinite health. To unlock all of the single player levels use the code Auto, ZPM, M-O, Wall-E. For all of the multiplayer maps enter the code Eve, M-O, Wall-E, Auto.

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