Extra Difficulty Setting
An extra hard difficulty setting is available if you complete the game on any of the default difficulty settings. This is called Hyper Mode and can be turned on at the "Options" menu off the main menu.
Secret Endings
There are two secret endings you can unlock in the game. Complete the game and achieve at least 75 percent of the suit upgrades to view an extended ending and complete the game while collecting all 100 of the secret pickups to view an alternate ending after the credit sequence.
Double Jumping
Samus, your character, has the ability to plant tiny bombs that push her up a few feet when they explode. To perform a double jump, jump, drop a bomb, then immediately drop a second; the first bomb will explode, pushing you up, and as you reach up the other bomb will explode, pushing you up even further.
Friend Vouchers
Friend vouchers are used as a type of currency in the game, given for completing various tasks. To get some easy friend vouchers, look for a Morph Ball area (small tunnels that Samus can navigate through in Morph Ball form) and look for tiny cockroach-like creatures. Roll the ball over them and continuously drop bombs, squishing hundreds and blowing up others, which will give you many friend vouchers. Alternatively, in SkyTown, you'll find a group of enemy steambots; simply morph into a ball, charge up, and ram into them, cutting out their legs from underneath them. This will earn you several friend vouchers.