Guitar setup
Remove the cover on the back of the Wii guitar. Connect the dangling cable in the guitar cover to the expansion port at the bottom of the Wii Remote.
Insert the Wii Remote inside the guitar. Tuck the wrist strap into the guitar so that it is out the way.
Press the "A" button on the front of the Wii Remote through the open space on the front of the guitar to turn it on. Replace the guitar cover.
Turn off the Wii. Remove the Wii Remote cover on the front panel of the drums.
Connect the dangling cable in the drum panel to the expansion port at the bottom of the Wii Remote.
Insert the Wii Remote into the drum panel. Tuck the wrist strap in so that it is out the way.
Press the "A" button on the front of the Wii Remote to turn it on. Replace the drum cover.
Turn off the Wii.
Connect the microphone to the USB port on the back of the Wii.
Use the microphone in-game when prompted.