Things You'll Need
Credit Card
Click the "Wii Shop Channel" button in the main menu. This menu appears when the Nintendo Wii console is first turned on.
Choose the "Start Shopping" button.
Select the "Add Wii Points" button.
Click the "Buy Wii Points with a Credit Card" button.
Choose the amount of Wii Points you want to purchase.
Click the "Visa" or "MasterCard" button to select the type of credit card you are using.
Enter the credit card information into the prompts. The security code is the three-digit number on the back of the credit card.
Enter the billing address for the credit card into the prompts.
Click the "Yes" button to purchase the Wii Points.
Nintendo Points Card
Select the "Add Wii Points" button in the Wii Shop Channel.
Choose the "Redeem Nintendo Points Card" button.
Scratch off the silver strip on the back of the Nintendo Points card. The activation number needed to obtain Wii Points is located under the strip.
Enter the activation number into the prompt.
Click the "Redeem" button.