Setting Up
Log in to your Netflix account. Click on the link for "Your Account & Help" on the top right of the screen.
Click on the link for "Watching instantly via Wii," which appears approximately halfway down the page. Click on the link to order the Netflix Instant Streaming disc, which should arrive at your home in approximately one business day.
Insert the Netflix Instant Streaming disc into your Wii console. Select the Netflix icon on the top left corner of the Wii home screen on your television.
Visit on your computer while logged in to your Netflix account. Enter the code that appears on your television screen into the field on your computer and press the "Activate" button to enable video streaming through the Wii.
Watching Streaming Videos
Place the Netflix Instant disc in your Wii console and select it from the top left corner of the screen.
Press left or right on the Wii remote's directional pad to scroll through the list of videos in your queue.
Press the "A" button to select a video. Press the "1" button to play the video.
Press the "A" or "1" button to pause and restart the video. Use the "-" button to rewind the video and the "+" button to fast forward.
Press left on the directional pad to skip backward and right to skip forward in the video. Press the "B" trigger button on the back of the Wii remote to stop the video.