Things You'll Need
Select the “Wii” button from the Wii home screen.
Choose “Wii Settings.”
Open “Internet” and “Connection Settings.” Choose a connection slot, and pick “Wireless Connection.”
Choose “Manual Setup.”
Enter the network’s SSID, which is the network name. You can find out the SSID by viewing your network connection on a computer that is connected to the network. Click “Save.”
Select the type of security your network uses. Click “Save.”
Click “No” and “Advanced Settings” on the “Auto-Obtain IP Address” screen. Click “Save.”
Enter the IP address, adding 10 to the last number (For example, if the last number on the computer is “.1”, change it to “.11”), Subnet Mask and Default Gateway that you want to use. To find out this information, go to the main network computer and run Command Prompt. Type “ipconfig/all” and hit enter. The information will be displayed. Click “Save” when you enter the information on your Wii.
Select “No” and “Advanced Settings” on the “Auto-Obtain DNS Server” screen. Select “Save.”
Enter the DNS server. This information also is obtained by using the “ipconfig/all” command in Command Prompt. Use the top DNS number in your Wii, and click “Save.”
Choose “Don’t Use” on the “Proxy Server” screen and choose “Save.”
Click “Save” on the “MTU” screen.
Allow the connection test to run to ensure you entered the information to connect to the wireless network manually.