Things You'll Need
Obtain a saved game file that includes unlocked lures from a friend. Copy the file to an SD card on your computer or by using the friend's Wii, then insert the SD card into your Wii console. Use the "Data Management" menu via the "Wii Settings" option on the main screen to copy and to transfer your "Save Data." You may then use your friend's saved game to play the game.
Download the Datel PowerSaves version of a "Sega Bass Fishing" saved game file if you have the Datel PowerSaves SD card. Copy the file to your Datel PowerSaves SD card, then use the Wii's "Data Management" menu in "Wii Settings" to copy your "Save Data" to your console. You will be able to access all lures. (Please see Resources below.)
Play the "Tournament" mode of the game in "Normal" difficulty if you do not want to take shortcuts or to cheat. Progressively unlock lures as you play the game. Beat all tournaments to unlock the "Sonic Lure," a deep crank bait.