Erase Specific Data
Power on your Nintendo Wii, aim your Wii remote at the ̶0;Wii̶1; icon and press ̶0;A̶1; to select it. Select ̶0;Data Management̶1; from the new screen.
Choose ̶0;Wii Channels̶1; if you want to delete a channel or ̶0;Save Data̶1; and then ̶0;Wii̶1; if you want to erase saved data.
Select the channel or game you want to erase and then select ̶0;Erase.̶1;
Erase Everything
Erase your Wii Shop account if you̵7;ve ever used it to download anything. Access the Wii Shop Channel from the Wii home menu.
Select ̶0;Settings̶1; from the Wii Shop Channel menu and then select ̶0;Remove Wii Shop Channel Account.̶1;
Return to the Wii home menu, select the ̶0;Wii̶1; icon and then access ̶0;Wii Settings.̶1;
Scroll to Page 3 in the settings menu and select ̶0;Format Wii System Memory.̶1; Select ̶0;Format̶1; at the prompt asking if you̵7;re sure you want to format your Wii.