Things You'll Need
Go to the main menu of your Wii and click on the ̶0;Data Management̶1; option by pressing the ̶0;A̶1; button your Wii remote. Click on the ̶0;Save Data̶1; option.
Choose to access data from your Wii or Nintendo GameCube files. Click any corrupt save file that you want to delete and the click the ̶0;Erase̶1; button.
Continue playing the game you want to save and save the file again. If you don̵7;t receive an error message, your Wii console is fine and doesn̵7;t need repair.
Go to the Nintendo Support website if you continue to receive an error message that reads, ̶0;Wii console save memory is corrupted.̶1; Click on the ̶0;Start Repair̶1; button in the repair process wizard.
Enter the serial number and then click on the ̶0;Get My Repair Options̶1; button. Review to see if you have a warranty or this prices available in order to repair the corrupt save file on your Wii.