Smarty Pants
"Smarty Pants" is a trivia- and puzzle-based single and multiplayer game. In multiplayer mode, up to for players can compete, using their own Miis as avatars in the game. Questions are targeted to different age groups, giving younger kids a fighting chance against older siblings and adults. It is recommended for kids ages 8 and up.
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree
"Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree" is to educational games as "Wii Fit Plus" is to fitness games: both size you up and give you a ranking which in time, and with in-game practice in different short exercises, you can improve. Up to eight players can play, although most of the games are not played simultaneously. Like "Smarty Pants," "Big Brain Academy" allows you to use your Miis as in-game avatars.
My Word Coach
"My Word Coach" was released for both the Nintendo DS handheld console and the Wii. The premise is fairly simple: you learn new words and how to spell them. This process is made fun through the use of mini-games where you must "spray paint" missing letters and identify definitions. Like "Big Brain Academy," this game also gives you a score to improve on.
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean is a gentle ocean exploration game suitable for children and adults alike. Players use the Wii Remote to swim around the waters of a fictional island called "Manoa Lai" to explore the different undersea zones and identify marine life. The game gives accurate information about each animal you encounter, and there are many, making it perfect for future marine biologists. Also, there is no danger in the game, not even from sharks, making it good for younger players.