Things You'll Need
Gamecube Controls
Set either the Fairy Ocarina or the Ocarina of Time to either "X," "Y" or "Z."
Pull out your chosen ocarina by pressing either "X," "Y" or "Z," whichever button you set the instrument to.
Use the "A" button and the directional C stick (up, down, left and right) to play five different notes. Alternatively, hit the "Y" button for C left, the "X" button for C right and the "Z" button for C down. There are no alternatives for the "A" button and C up.
Hit the "L" button to make a note flat and the "R" button to make a note sharp. Push the gray control stick up or down to have the note gradually raise or lower to the next note. Push the stick left or right to simulate vibrato.
Classic Controls
Set the Fairy Ocarina or the Ocarina of Time to either the "X," "Y" or "ZL"/"ZR" buttons.
Press either the "X," "Y" or "ZL"/"ZR" button to take out the ocarina.
Hit the "A" button and use the right control stick to make the five different notes essential to the game. If desired, use the "Y" button instead of right control stick left, the "X" button instead of right control stick right or "ZL"/"ZR" instead of right control stick down. Neither the "A" button nor the right control stick up motion have substitute buttons.
Hold "L" to make a note go flat and "R" to make a note go sharp. Point the left control stick up to make a note slowly go up to the next note and point the left control stick down to make the opposite effect. Push the left control stick left or right to create vibrato.