Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
In "Wario Ware: Smooth Moves," players solve rapid-fire mini games and puzzles as fast as they can, performing odd tasks that are sure to elicit laughs. The game asks players to replicate what appears on screen using their WiiMotes; because the movements aren't always intuitive, teams can work to figure out the correct motions together.
Smarty Pants
"Smarty Pants" might remind over-21 gamers of Pub Trivia. This game fosters a sense of camaraderie among players. The game asks trivia questions in a multiple choice format and its knowledge base spans from historical events to pop music. By demonstrating their backgrounds, team member will discover mutually shared interests and form closer bonds.
The Beatles: Rock Band
Initiated by the success of Guitar Hero, the musical instrument genre has quickly become one of the most popular types of video games. In "The Beatles: Rock Band," groups each choose an instrument and follow the on-screen instructions to hit the right notes. "Rock Band" is a great choice for a team building retreat. Performing a song perfectly as a group may take some time, but the reward will be well worth it.