Things You'll Need
Connect the nunchuk's plug to the input port on the PIC 18F2550 microcontroller. Connect one end of the USB cable to the output port on the PIC 18F2550 microcontroller. Attach the other end of the USB cable to a USB port on the computer.
Begin using the nunchuk as if it were a mouse on a Macintosh computer immediately. Click on the "OK" button on the "New Hardware Detected" popup window that appears on the screen if using a PC. Use the nunchuk as if it were a mouse once the popup window disappears.
Push the nunchuk forward and back to move the mouse pointer on the screen. Adjust the cursor speed knob on the PIC 18F2550 microcontroller to speed up or slow down the mouse pointer's response to the accelerometer being used in the nunchuk.
Click the "Z" button at the front of the nunchuk to activate a mouse's left click. Click the "C" button at the front of the nunchuk to activate a mouse's right click.
Disconnect the USB cable from the computer when done. Disconnect the nunchuk from the input port of the PIC 18F2550 microcontroller when done.