Things You'll Need
Remove the screws from the underside of the Wii using the Tri-Wing screwdriver. The screws are hidden under white stickers and the rubber feet.
Remove the screws from the sides of the Wii using the Tri-Wing and Phillips screwdrivers. Check under stickers, plastic plates and the doors concealing the GameCube ports for screws. The black plastic plate over the GameCube ports covers more screws. Make sure all of the outside screws are removed before continuing.
Pull the faceplate of the Wii away from the device until the wire connecting it to the motherboard is revealed. Use the needle-nose pliers to pull out the white connector at the end of the black and red wires.
Remove the top shell of the Wii to reveal a metal shell covering the disk drive. Remove the metal shell.
Remove four more screws to free the disk drive from bottom part of the Wii. Two of the screws are found through holes in the metal plate; the other two are out in the open.
Lay the disk drive next to the Wii in a motion similar to opening a book, to prevent damage to the connectors. A ribbonlike connector joins the disk drive and the motherboard. The chip bearing D2C or another model number model can be found near the ribbon.