Avoid Being Disqualified
To avoid getting disqualified during a tournament for hunting a non-game animal, head directly to the trophy room after the animal has been shot. Wait there for approximately 30 seconds. When you return to the hunting area, you will now be able to hunt anything you want. You must repeat this step after every violation or the cheat will not work.
Find and Kill Faster
When you enter a hunting level, hop on your vehicle and ride to the location marked with a red dot on your map to find an animal. Once you get close to the animal, jump off the vehicle and press the "R3" button to equip your weapon and kill the animal. If you miss on your first attempt, simply retry the above process until the animal has been shot.
Easily Kill a Grizzly Bear
To easily kill a grizzly bear in any game mode, wait for the bear to stand on its hind legs. When he opens his mouth to roar at you, carefully aim and shoot the animal in his mouth. This shot will instantly kill the bear and you will be able to claim him as a kill.