Silver Boxing Gloves
Play one-player mode until you̵7;ve reached the final level: the Grand Champion, Matt. By defeating Matt, you unlock the hidden silver boxing gloves. You can now equip yourself with silver boxing gloves by holding the 1 button right before any new match begins.
Never Lose Skill Points
If you̵7;ve just lost a game of Wii boxing and you want your skill points to remain at their high level, press the home button immediately after you lose. Click Wii Main Menu. This will exit the game before it has the chance to deduct skill points; your record will remain untarnished.
Remember to Dodge
As your skill points increase, your opponents become more aggressive. Continue to dodge to the side by flicking the Wiimote and Nunchuk to one side. Occasionally, your opponent̵7;s punch will become slow-motion; this is your chance to pummel him with punches. A few of these sequences should be enough to fell your foe.