Things You'll Need
Turn on your Wii with the Smash Bros Brawl game in the system and select the "Brawl" game mode.
Point to the bar at the top of the character list to edit the brawl options, then turn the game mode to stock and reduce the number of lives you start with to one.
Turn the damage ratio up to 2.0, then exit the options menu. Setting the damage ratio to 2.0 will cause characters to score KOs very quickly, and with only one life, each brawl will end in a matter of seconds.
Turn on a single CPU player by clicking on one of the open slots at the bottom of the brawl character select screen, and turn the difficulty level to one.
Play through 22 brawl matches using these settings. It should only take a few seconds to defeat the level one computer player and 10 to 15 seconds to start new round.
Defeat Luigi in a one-on-one brawl when he appears. After you complete 22 matches, the game will force you to fight against Luigi. After defeating Luigi, you will be able to use him in normal play. If you lose to Luigi, you will not unlock him, but you can retry by finishing another standard brawl.