Standby Mode
When the Wii system is on standby mode for prolonged periods, overheating is more of a problem. The issue is particularly prevalent when using WiiConnect24, Nintendo's system that allows users to download updates via a constant Internet connection. However, the console stays on during the process.
Dust Buildup
Dust can build up and block the system's air vent. If the vent is blocked, Nintendo recommends using a vacuum with a soft brush attachment to clear the airway.
External Options
Some firms market devices that use color-coded LED systems to alert users when the console is heating up. One example is XCM's Hot Rock Case. Another option is the GameStop Afterglow Cooler, which is a standard Wii docking station with a built-in fan.
Air Flow Issues
External fans can be used to keep the Wii cool. Place a small desk fan next to the unit to improve air flow.
Customer Service
Nintendo has a customer service department that, depending on the situation, will either replace a Wii console completely or allow the consumer to send his Wii in for repair. Either process can take at least a week.