Choosing Your Lure
"Sega Bass Fishing" includes more than 20 lures, each with their preferred environment and fish type. The goal of the game is to get the biggest bass you possibly can. Fly fishing lures are great for trout and other fish types, but for the bass go with weighted lures. To choose the right weighted lure, look at the background of the level where the water meets the shore. There will be two to three colors used primarily at the shore line. Try to select a weighted lure that has these colors to attract the largest bass possible for that level. The colors will vary depending on the level, but you can change lures as many times as necessary to select the right one.
For the aspiring novice fisherman, as if the fish weren't enough, often the timer will be your biggest enemy. Fortunately there is a cheat that can help give you a bit more breathing room. To activate this cheat, press: A, B, Y, X, Y, A, B, L, R, Y, X, A, B, A, Y, X, Y. When you hear the tournament announcer shout the word "Fish," you will see your time start and not change. When you want to finish the level, press "start" and "return to the docks."
The Key to Casting
Casting on the surface is simple enough; you hold down the A button and use the Wii-mote to make a flicking motion with your wrist. For more realism you can use your whole arm to draw back and then swing forward like a real fishing rod. The key to a successful cast is to release the A button when the controller is approximately level to the floor, with your arm fully extended. This will increase the maximum distance of your cast.