Materials Needed
A complete Wii controller is needed to construct the Zapper. This includes not just the standard Wii remote that comes with the console but the nunchuk add-on. Since many Wii games require the nunchuk already, there's a good chance that many gamers looking at Zapper games will already have the nunchuk. Keep in mind the controller buttons used in the games. The Fire button is often the trigger-like B button on the bottom of the remote and the large A button on top is the "action" button. These buttons could be reversed, however, and the action button could also be the oval Z button on the nunchuk. The frame you make should be out of cardboard, plastic acrylate or other material that can be cut and folded yet strong and durable enough to hold the controller.
Constructing the Frame
The main part of the Zapper frame is essentially a sleeve that seats the controller so you can hold it like a gun. To resemble the Wii Zapper, this frame will balance the remote in the front end and hold the nunchuk at the rear end; this frame is open at the top so you can access the buttons. Measure the length, width and depth of both the remote and nunchuk; keep in mind that the nunchuk is curved. Some people have created their own templates that can be downloaded. The frame will need a hole in the bottom for the B button and one in the front for the infrared signal. Cut out and fold a handle about 5 inches high and 2 to 3 inches square--you can adjust for your own hand size--and tape or glue this to the bottom of the main frame underneath the area where the remote will rest. Secure the remote and nunchuk to their ends of the frame with string or rubber bands, making sure they don't cover the buttons. Wrap up the cord connecting the two devices--you'll need to temporarily disconnect the cord to do this--and tie the cord to the bottom of the frame so it won't hang loose. You should now have a frame that you can hold at eye level, using your right hand to grasp the handle and push the remote buttons and left hand to use the nunchuk buttons.