Things You'll Need
Removing the Faceplate
Press the faceplate removal button on the back of the guitar until the faceplate pops free slightly.
Turn the guitar over.
Grab the faceplate and pull on it gently to remove it.
Spray Painting Your Faceplate
Tape over any areas of the faceplate that you wish to remain the plate's default color.
Spray the faceplate with the lightest color included in your design and let it dry.
Tape over any areas that you wish to keep the first spray painted color, without removing any of the tape already in place.
Repeat Steps 2 and 3, going from lightest to darkest, until all spray paint colors have been applied.
Remove the tape.
Detailing Your Faceplate
Find a sample image to transfer to your faceplate. You can draw it yourself or find an image online. An image with distinct lines works best.
Place the carbon paper with the carbon side down on the faceplate. Place the sample image on top of the paper.
Trace the sample image with the pencil, pressing hard enough for the carbon paper to leave an impression on the faceplate.
Remove the sample image and carbon paper.
Trace the outline of the image and color it in with either permanent markers or paint.