Things You'll Need
Obtain a USB-compatible video capture device, such as those offered by Hauppauge. These devices allow external hardware to be connected to and display images on a Mac or PC.
Install the software that comes with the device. Plug the device into any USB port. These can be found on the front of most modern PC or Mac towers.
Connect the Wii directly to the USB device using compatible cables. The higher quality the cables, the better the picture will appear.
Turn on the software you installed previously, as well as the console. The game should appear on your computer just as it would on your television set.
Record the output using the program's record video function. Save it and store it. This is easier than trying to perfectly time a single snapshot.
Edit the video down and select the single frame you want to save as a screenshot. You can now export it. PC users can press the "Print Screen" key and paste the screenshot into any photo editing software.