Complete a regular pitch. Hold the Wii remote over your shoulder. To pitch, bring your hand down toward the TV. The force of your throw determines the speed of the pitch.
Throw a curve ball. Grip the "B-Trigger" on the remote. Throw the ball and curve your wrist in mid-throw.
Use an over-head pitch. Press and hold the "1" button while throwing the ball.
Pitch under-hand. Apply the "2" button on the remote. Throw the ball normally. This will allow for a faster, lower pitch.
Hold the "A" button for a screwball. The ball curves and then straightens out again.
Push the "B-Trigger" and the "A" button simultaneously for a splitter. This drops the ball to the ground at the plate, more-than-likely the batter will swing at the pitch. If not, you will receive a ball.
Press the right or left buttons on the "D-Pad" to change the direction of the ball. For example, right will move to the right of the plate.