Download and install the latest version of LogMeIn Hamachi (link in Resources).
Disable your firewall to prevent interfering with the Hamachi connection. Make certain to enable pinging.
Open Hamachi and select the "Network" option. Join or create a group/network to enable online play with friends.
Direct connect to "Borderlands" by editing your target shortcut. Create a second shortcut to the game. Right-click the new shortcut and select "Properties."
Go to the Hamachi window. Copy the IP address of the person with whom you would like to direct connect. This will be the person hosting the game.
Return to the new "Borderlands" shorcut's "Properties" window. Select the "Shortcut" tab.
Paste the copied IP address to the end of the target destination found in the "Target" field. Paste the IP one space after the "Borderlands.exe" portion of the target address. Click "OK" to save the changes.
Run the custom shortcut to create a direct connection to the host once the host initiates the "Borderlands" game.