Social Friends
Because "Vampire Wars" is played through social networking platforms such as Facebook, you can use your friends to increase the size of your clan. Invite all of your friends to join your clan through the game's invitation tool. Even if your friends never play the game again after accepting your invitation, they are still listed as part of the clan. Let your friends know that they don't have to continue to play the game once the invitation is accepted.
Forum Posting
As a Zynga game, "Vampire Wars" has its own dedicated forum on the website. The forum is a good place for avid players of the game to get together and connect. You can also pick up new members for your clan by posting a request for new clan members in the forum. Also scout out the forum postings for players asking for new members; you can add them to your clan, too.
Even if your ̶0;Vampire Wars̶1; clan is small, you can still hold your own during a battle with another clan. The size of your clan is important, but your weapons and abilities are just as important. When purchasing weapons and abilities for your clan from the market, pick those that offer the most in defense and strength. Defense points determine how well you can fend off an attack, while strength determines how likely you are to overtake a rival.
Battle Strategy
When picking a fight with another clan, choose your opponent wisely. If your clan consists of four members, it would be a bad idea to pick on a 100-member size clan. At the end of each fight, the loser forfeits money and weapons, so by picking your battles with smaller or equal size clans, you can quickly build up your clan's stash. If you want to take on a larger clan, stay as close to the size of your clan as possible.