The Balrog, a creature originating from the Middle Earth mythology of J.R.R. Tolkien, combines the fearsome body and head of a bull with apelike hands and the upright stance of a man. These monsters also feature the leathery wings of a bat. Although the balrogs of Tolkien's stories serve as primordial fire spirits, ̶0;MapleStory̶1; players encounter balrogs and their variations as boss characters. The game's Pachi Balrog ups the hybrid factor even more, comically combining the beast with an arcade machine.
Taking cues from the traditional mythological griffin, ̶0;MapleStory̶1;'s Griffey hybridizes creatures from all across the animal kingdom. This monster features the body of a brown lion and the feathery wings of a bird, topped by the characteristic white head and yellow beak of a bald eagle. A single horn rests in the center of the Griffey's head, recalling the fantastical unicorn. Like the balrog, the Griffey acts as a boss in ̶0;MapleStory.̶1;
Other Hybrids
The Coke Mushroom has the body of a mushroom, but features a red soda cap in place of a mushroom's cap. Similarly, the Coke Snail ̵1; which has a soda cap for a shell ̵1; hybridizes soda bottles and snails. The Igloo Turtle, whose name says it all, also features a distinct shell. The Hogul is a sort of man-tiger hybrid. This creature has the features of a tiger ̵1; tails, snout, stripes and all ̵1; but stands upright and wears pants like a man. The Pigmy monster takes the phrase ̶0;when pigs fly̶1; literally, adding the wings of a bird to a small pink pig.
The world of ̶0;MapleStory̶1; hosts a colorful selection of cyborgs, animal-robot hybrids. Cyborg monsters include the Turkey Commando, a normal bird with a bionic tail and eye, and the Snack Bar, which features elements of both fish and robot. The hybrid Angry Frankenroid combines Mary Shelley's classic creature with a bipedal robot.